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Old 04-23-2010, 08:53 PM
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JerrywithaG JerrywithaG is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 397

Adjustment Procedure
To adjust the programmable features, you will need a scantool that can display LV8 and BLM (L8 and
BL on Scanmaster).
Select a parameter:
1. With key on/engine off, look at LV8 on your scantool. It will display the parameter you will
be adjusting. It should display "0" to begin with.
2. Press the gas pedal fully and release 3 times, except on the 3rd press, hold it to the
floor. Like this:
1. Press/Release
2. Press/Release
3. Press/Hold -- don't let go!
You must complete this sequence in under 3 seconds! If not, you'll have to turn the key
off, then back on to start over.
3. Keep holding the gas pedal. After about 2 seconds, LV8 will start to cycle from 1 to 4,
over and over again.
1 = WOT Fuel - Overall (all gears including 1st gear)
2 = WOT Fuel - 1st gear only (don't adjust this if you have no MPH signal)
3 = WOT Timing, 1sl/2nd gear (applies to all gears if you have no MPH signal)
4 = WOT Timing, 3rd/4th gear (don't adjust this if you have no MPH signal)
3. When you get to the parameter you want to adjust, release the gas pedal. Wait a couple
seconds to make sure the number stopped on the parameter you wanted.
Adjust the parameter you just selected:
4. Switch your scantool over to BLM. This will show you what the current setting is of the
parameter you selected.
5. If you want to change the setting, press the gas pedal a little over half way and the
number should start rising. When it gets to its maximum, it will start over at its minimum
and keep going. When you get to the number you want, release the gas pedal. If you
push the pedal all the way to the floor, it will increase faster (too fast for some scantools),
which is good for users of Directscan, which has a much faster update rate.
6. Key off and the process is complete. If you want to adjust another parameter, key off and
back on, and start the process over. The key off/key on motion can be very quick. You do
not have to wait any certain amount of time.
If the battery or ECM is disconnected, the memory will be erased and your settings will be lost (they
will' return to the default 128). I recommend periodically looking at the saved values to make sure they
have been retained. Sometimes bad battery cables, a bad starter, bad ignition switch, etc. can cause
the ECM to lose its memory when starting the car.
If you can't get the adjustable parameters to work, then the TPS is probably not adjusted correctly.
Make sure the TPS voltage reads .40-.46 in the throttle closed position, and 4.20-4.60 when your foot
is to the floor (engine off/key on).
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