I don't think I can make it this year again. First, the new motor isn't done yet. And, my boss, the only one at work that can kind of take my place is preggers again, and will be squeezin' one out in May, so I don't think I will be allowed to take the time.
As for the waGoN, I am hoping to get some time to get it started and roll it out of the garage this weekend, then who knows, maybe I'll even get to drive it a little. Although, the diesel just started acting up. Should be an easy fix, but I need the time to get to it.
Aaaaaah, why do I have to have a job? Oh yeah....money.
Keep it shiny side up, but show them your dirty side once in a while.
11.3@123mph on 195/75/14" whitewalls. Yes, 195s!
11.2 on the big giant slicks. What's the point? Maybe I'll go back to the whitewalls. They are lighter and have less rolling resistance.