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Old 02-02-2008, 07:47 PM
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Mike_g Mike_g is offline
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Default How to get out of a speeding ticket JK

Officer: Can i see ur license please?
Man: guys suspended it after my 5th DUI
Officer: Can i see the car's registration please?
Man: This car is stolen
Officer: The car is stolen?
Man: Yup, but i think i saw the registration in the glove compartment when i put my gun in there
Officer: You have a gun in the glove compartment?
Man: yup, the gun i shot the woman who owned this car with, shes in the truck
Officer: There is a dead body in the trunk??!?!?!
Man: yup
Officer: hold on right there sir

The officer calls for back-up, and the car is surrounded by police in seconds. The Captain walks up to the man and begins questioning him...

Captain: Can i see your driver's license please?
Man: sure, here it is

The license was valid

Captain: Can i see the car's registration please?
Man: yup, here it is

registration was valid and current

Captain: can you please slowly open your glove compartment, i was told you had a gun in there...
Man: sure, no problem, but i assure you captain, there is no gun.

He opens the glove compartment, and nothing in there

Captain: can you pop the trunk for me please?
Man: ok, sure

he gets out opens the trunk, and there is nothing in there but a spare tire...

Captian: Ok, this officer told me that you had a suspended license, the car was stolen, you had a gun in the glove compartment, and there was a dead body in the trunk.
Man: yeah i bet he told you i was speeding too...
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